Our Lady of the Sacred Heart High School

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Technology at OLSH

Keeping pace with the ever-changing evolution of technology

photo of a boy and two girls looking at iPads

1:1 Chromebook Program

OLSH students are issued a Chromebook for use during and outside of school. Providing our students with a device supports and enhances the way we teach, creating an equal opportunity for all learners, providing access to the same technology needed to interact and learn.
Other goals of this initiative include:
  • Engage students and keep them engaged
  • Prepare students for the 21st century and life beyond high school
  • Take advantage of online textbooks and have resources readily available
  • Ensure pen lines of communication among students, faculty, and parents
  • Increase collaboration

Features of OLSH Technology

  • Other computer resources for students include both PC and Mac desktop computers, MacBook Pro laptops, and iPads. These are housed in the Tisch Family Library, the computer lab, and in classrooms via mobile carts.  Seniors may also sign out laptops for use during study halls and laptops are available for students in the After-School Tutoring Program to take home as needed.
  • All faculty are provided with laptops and iPads for use in the classroom.  These devices allow for streaming content to be viewed on each classroom’s Epson interactive projector via Apple TV.
  • Families have 24/7 access to student grade and attendance information via OLSH’s web-based student information system, Blackbaud.
  • All students are given an OLSH email address.  This allows for communication and collaboration between peers and teachers and provides access to the Google Apps for Education suite.
  • Teachers post course-related information on Google Classroom, keeping students and families up to date with daily activities.
  • The main school building and the Angela Activities Center (AAC) are both fully wireless.
  • Students have access to a wide array of software applications that can be applied to personal productivity, such as:  Google Apps for Education, Microsoft Office Suite, Apple iApps Suite, NoodleTools, and Turnitin.
  • The school is in compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) and utilizes secURLy as a content filter. This product also offers an anonymous tipline feature.

Technology Available to Students

  • Two mobile carts with a total of 50 MacBook Pro lap tops
  • Library houses 20 MacBook Pro laptops, 10 iMac desktops, 5 PCs
  • Computer lab has 20 iMac desktops
  • AAC has 18 MacBook Pro laptops
  • Tech Space holds 30 MacBook Pro laptops
  • Physics classroom has 6 MacBook Pro laptops
  • TOIL class has 20 iPads
  • The OWL Center has 8 iPads, 10 MacBooks, and 2 iMac desktops
  • Virtual Reality equipment includes 10 iPod Touch devices and viewers