Our Lady of the Sacred Heart High School

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Placement Test

The OLSH Placement Test will be administered by our Counseling Department on the following dates:
Saturday, January 25
Saturday, February 8
All students who are interested in entering the OLSH freshman class this fall should attend one of our two Placement Test sessions. Please keep in mind session sizes are limited, so register as soon as possible!
OLSH administers the NWEA Exam via computer, which enables the test to adapt to your unique student, giving OLSH teachers and counselors a more accurate picture of a student's abilities. The test is also self-paced, allowing the students to give their best effort in answering the questions, and not feel rushed in the process. All materials needed, including computers, scratch paper, pencils, and calculators (where needed), will be provided.
Students taking the OLSH Placement Test are eligible for the OLSH St. John Henry Newman Scholarship! Up to ten high-achieving students entering the OLSH Class of 2029 will receive a $7,500 scholarship, good for each of their four years at OLSH. High-scoring students will also be eligible for merit scholarship consideration!