Our Lady of the Sacred Heart High School

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Celebrating Catholic Tradition

OLSH is proud to not only be Catholic in name and institution, but actively enriching students with Catholic traditions throughout the school year. Opportunities for prayer, celebrating Mass and the Sacraments, prayer, and a deep respect for the foundations of the Felician Sisters create an atmosphere of fellowship and faith for the students.

The OLSH Chapel

The OLSH Chapel
The school celebrates Mass together once a week as an entire community. OLSH's Chaplain celebrates most school Masses, and on occasion guest priests come to celebrate Mass or lead prayer services throughout the year. The Chapel is open to students at any time for personal prayer and reflection.

Adoration and Confession 

Students have the opportunity to attend Adoration and receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation weekly with the OLSH Chaplain. The chapel is available for private prayer for students and faculty throughout the day and theology classes often make time for visits during class periods.

Daily Prayer

Students participate in morning and end-of-day prayers. The school also prays The Angelus daily during the noon hour. Athletic teams and other activities also incorporate prayer into their meetings, games, and performances. Teachers are encouraged to begin their classes with prayer.  

Eucharistic Procession

Each September the OLSH community hosts adoration of the Blessed Sacrament followed by a Eucharistic Procession to commemorate the start of the school, to celebrate the Eucharist and to ask God’s blessing on the OLSH community. The bells toll from the chapel bell tower as the procession winds throughout the entire OLSH campus. Art and theology students create sidewalk drawings throughout campus to enhance the celebration. The OLSH Chaplain carries the Blessed Sacrament in a procession led by a color guard of OLSH students, followed in procession by the entire student body.  All process to the statue of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart where prayers are offered to Our Lady and Father blesses the campus with the Blessed Sacrament. The procession culminates back in the chapel with Benediction.