Our Lady of the Sacred Heart High School

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Guest Speaker Inspires OLSH Students to Reach for the Stars

OLSH students gave their full attention to Mr. Carlos T. Carter on Tuesday morning, as he shared stories of his life and path to achieving his full potential. Mr. Carlos is the President & CEO of the Urban League of Greater Pittsburgh. He is just the 8th president in the chapter’s 105-year history.

Mr. Carter shared three keys to success with students before opening up the session to questions from the audience:

  1. No shortcuts – Be willing to work hard and sacrifice for what you want to achieve, but don’t lose yourself in the process.
  2. Control your thoughts – You are what you think you are. Believe that you are great, and you’ll be great.
  3. Keep it real – Simply, be yourself and acknowledge what you are doing well and what needs improvement.

He shared the Iceberg Theory, which illustrates how we can only visibly see peoples’ success, but we can’t see the hard work that went in to achieving it. It’s easy to get caught in illusions, but students should remember that, “The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.”

Following his talk, students asked a variety of questions, from “How do you define success?” to “What made you choose to redirect your career?” It was a wonderful opportunity for students to learn from an influential member of the community, and left them with inspiration to achieve their own goals.

Mr. Carter’s book, Greatness Awaits You!: 23 Ways to Unlock the Greatness Within, was available for purchase to students this morning, and can also be found online here. 



