Our Lady of the Sacred Heart High School

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OLSH's Annual Eucharistic Procession Follows New Route

A staple of early fall at OLSH is the annual Eucharistic Procession. The entire school community joins together in prayer and adoration and processes with the Blessed Sacrament around the campus, showing that Jesus is present everywhere at our school. This year, only a small group gathered in the OLSH Chapel - a representative from each grade level at OLSH and Campus Minister Mrs. Caitlin Snatchko '10 were accompanied by several Felician Sisters as chaplain Fr. Bill Dorner led the group in prayer. In his homily, Fr. Bill reminded us of the importance of Jesus' presence in our lives and in our school community, especially during difficult times. Mrs. Snatchko and the students then led Fr. Bill with the Blessed Sacrament on a procession through the halls of OLSH, passing each classroom and stopping outside the front entrance for the blessing of the four corners. The rest of the student body, faculty, and staff participated virtually, viewing a livestream of the entire event. While it may have looked different than in years past, the opportunity to glorify Christ in this special way was a blessing to all at OLSH.